With three functioning and dedicated test rigs, Bluestripe has the capacity to bench test an Allison 2000 Series, a ZF Ecomat AND a Voith DIWA, all at the same time!
Using our specially commissioned bespoke Allison test box (that can also be used externally by our service engineer) we can run the 1000/2000 transmission through programmed automated sequential shifts coupled with Allison’s own DOC diagnostic tool. Separately we are able to monitor temperature, pressure and the all important flow measurements.
Critically, our test rigs only use the Allison specified TES295 grade oil. Whilst expensive, this synthetic oil has far superior characteristics to deal with lubrication, shear and extra heat that occurs in today’s operating conditions.
Two valve block test rigs occupy a separate room where one test bench calibrates the early hydraulic type Allison AT/MT Series assemblies, and the other interrogates solenoids and valves on the later, more complex, electronically controlled 1000/2000 Series valve control blocks. Ask your current supplier how they test their valve block assemblies; you might be surprised by the answer!